Class: ServerMapping


Contains information about whether or not the current site is enabled on a CompleteFTP server and the listening interfaces for the site for the various protocols on that server.


enabled :String

Is the current site enabled on this server?

  • String

ftpInterfaces :String

The listening IP addresses (interfaces) for the current site for the FTP and FTPS protocols on this server. Note that multiple IP addresses should be separated by a comma.

By default, this property returns null means that all network interfaces are selected.

  • String

httpInterfaces :String

The listening IP addresses (interfaces) for the available sites for the HTTP and HTTPS protocols on this server. Note that multiple IP addresses should be separated by a comma.

By default, this property returns null means that all network interfaces are selected.

  • String

(readonly) serverName :String

The name of the server.

  • String

sftpInterfaces :String

The listening IP addresses (interfaces) for the available sites for the SFTP, SCP and SSH protocols on this server. Note that multiple IP addresses should be separated by a comma.

By default, this property returns null means that all network interfaces are selected.

  • String