WebAdmin: Adding Folders

You can add two types of Folders: Windows Folders and Virtual Folders.

How to Add Windows folders

Windows folders are standard folders found on the local machine. They can be inserted into the virtual folder hierarchy at any point, including the root. they are added by selecting "Add root folder" or "Add sub-folder", and choosing "Windows folder".

In the next screen you will be shown the available drives on the local machine, select the drive you wish to add the windows folder to and then select "ADD"

Once the Windows folder has been added, it will then be shown in the folder screen as a "WindowsFolder"

How to Add a Virtual folder

Virtual folders don't physically exist. They are used to create virtual hierarchies of folders under which real folders can be placed. CompleteFTP administrators should carefully plan out their folder structure, and create virtual folders as appropriate. For example, a virtual folder called 'home' might be created at the root level, by selecting "Add root folder" and choosing the 'Virtual folder' option, as shown below.

Once the Virtual folder has been selected, there will be a screen for the user to input the folder name. Once a folder has been named, the user will then be able to add the folder.

Once the virtual folder has been added, it will then be shown on the folder screen as a "VirtualFolder"