Administrator command-line

Folder commands

chgrp Change the group of a folder in the virtual filesystem chgrp group virtualpath
e.g. chgrp mygroup /test
chmod Change the permissions of a folder in the virtual filesystem. Uses Unix-style permissions. chmod [u|g|o][+|=|-]permissions[,]... virtualpath (permissions in Unix format, either octal or synmbolic using r (read), w (write) and x (execute)
e.g. chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r /test

The operator + causes the selected mode to be added to the existing file mode; - removes the selected mode; and = causes them to be assigned and all other modes removed.

'u' designates owner permissions, 'g' represents group permissions, and 'o' represents the rest of the world's permissions.

chmodx Change the extended permissions of a folder in the virtual filesystem. Uses CompleteFTP permissions. chmodx [u|g|o][+|=|-]extendedpermission[,]... virtualpath (permissions must be one of those listed below
e.g. chmodx u+DirList /test)

The operator + causes the selected mode to be added to the existing file mode; - removes the selected mode; and = causes them to be assigned and all other modes removed.

'u' designates owner permissions, 'g' represents group permissions, and 'o' represents the rest of the world's permissions.

Permission Description
None No permissions
FileRead File reading permission
FileWrite File writing permission
FileDelete File delete permission
FileAppend File appending permission
FileRename File rename permission
FileExecute File execute permission
DirList Directory list permission
DirChange Change into directory permission
DirCreate Create a subdirectory permission
DirRename Rename directory permission
DirDelete Delete directory permission
IgnoreFilters Ignore file filters for this directory
AllRead All read permissions
AllWrite All write permissions
AllExecute All execute permissions
ReadOnly Read only permissions
All All available permissions

chown Change the owner of a folder in the virtual filesystem chown username virtualpath
e.g. chown myuser /test
folderaddCreate a new folder in the virtual filesystem. For Windows virtual folders, the Windows folder specified will be created if it does not exist. folderadd -t virtual|windows|networkmacro -v virtualpath [-p path] [-u username] [-g groupname] [-c]

e.g. folderadd -t windows -v /test/temp -p d:\\temp -c (to create a virtual Windows folder pointing to d:\temp)

-t virtual|windows|networkmacrothe type of folder to create
-v virtualpaththe virtual path of the new folder
-p paththe Windows path of the new folder (for Windows and network folders)
-u usernamethe name of the user owning the new folder (optional)
-g groupnamethe name of the group owning the new folder (optional)
-c create the corresponding Windows folder for type "windows" if it does not exist (optional)

encrypt Encrypt a file in the virtual filesystem. encrypt [-h] -s sourcefile -d destination

e.g. encrypt -s /home/myuser/test_plain.txt -d /home/myuser/test_encrypted.txt

decrypt Decrypt a file in the virtual filesystem that has previously been encrypted. decrypt [-h] -s sourcefile -d destination

e.g. decrypt -s /home/myuser/test_encrypted.txt -d /home/myuser/test_plain.txt

folderdel Delete an existing folder in the virtual filesystem folderdel -v virtualpath
foldermod Modify an existing Windows folder in the virtual filesystem foldermod -v virtualpath -p pathtochangeto

e.g. foldermod -v /test/temp -p d:\\downloads (to modify /test/temp to point to d:\\downloads). Note that foldermod can only be used for Windows folders.

User commands

useradd Add a new non-Windows user. Optionally, the MD5 hash of the password can be set rather than using the raw password (which will be converted to a hash).useradd [-h] [-i] [-c comment] [-d Windows_home_dir] [-n fullname] (-p hashedpassword|-r rawpassword) [-k publickeystring] username

-h show help text
-i ignore error if user already exists
-c commentdescriptive comment for user (optional)
-n fullnamefull name of user (optional)
-d Windows_home_dirWindows home directory of user (optional)
-p hashedpassword hashed password for user (MD5 or SHA1, not recommended)
-r rawpasswordsupplying raw password of user which is recommended
-k publickeystringthe user's public key as a base64 encoded string
usernamethe username of the user to be created

e.g. useradd -c "Test user" -n "Tester" -r test1234 test
e.g. useradd -c "Test user" -n "Tester" -r test1234 -d d:\\temp test (sets d:\temp as test's home directory)
e.g. useradd -r test1234 -k AAAAB3NzaC....7gKtM= test

usermod Modify an existing user.usermod [-h] [-c comment] [-d home_dir] [-e true|false] [-n fullname] [-k publickeystring] [-p hashedpassword|-r rawpassword] [-t tcpipprotocols] username

-h show help text
-c commentdescriptive comment for user (optional)
-d Windows_home_dirnew Windows home directory of user (optional)
-e true|falseenable (true) or disable user (false)
-n fullnamefull name of user (optional)
-k publickeystringthe user's public key as a base64 encoded string
-p hashedpassword hashed password for user (MD5 or SHA1, not recommended)
-r rawpasswordsupplying raw password of user which is recommended
-t tcpipprotocols where tcpipprotocols is a string listing protocols to be set, added to or removed from the user and in the format: =protocol1,protocol2,...|-protocol1,protocol2,...|+protocol1,protocol2,...

Protocols available are: ftp,ftps,sftp,scp,ssh,sshforwarding,http,https
usernamethe username of the user to be modified

e.g. usermod -t =ftp,ftps,sftp,scp username (to set these protocols for this user)
e.g. usermod -t +ssh,sshforwarding username (to add these protocols for this user)
e.g. usermod -d d:\\temp username (to set d:\\temp as /Home/username)
e.g. usermod -e false username (to disable this user)

userdel Delete a user. This cannot be undone! userdel username

Site commands

start Start all sites (other than the admin site, which is required to be running to access this command) start
stop Stop all sites (other than the admin site, which is required to be running to access this command). Use with caution, as calling it will stop all public sites. stop

General commands

help Display help text for commandshelp commmand
e.g. help useradd
logout End current administrator session logout
quit End current administrator session quit
version Returns the current server versionversion